Ibulum non purus ac nulla

Middle Eastern and North African cuisine expert Anissa Helou’s latest cookbook addresses the food of the Islamic world by explaining the seasoning and ingredients each culinary region relies on. Evan Kleiman’s favorite part of Helou’s book? The first chapter is all about the bread. In many cookbooks, Kleiman notes, the...

Vestibulum non ac nulla.

Middle Eastern and North African cuisine expert Anissa Helou’s latest cookbook addresses the food of the Islamic world by explaining the seasoning and ingredients each culinary region relies on. Evan Kleiman’s favorite part of Helou’s book? The first chapter is all about the bread. In many cookbooks, Kleiman notes, the...

Vestibulum non purus ac nulla

Middle Eastern and North African cuisine expert Anissa Helou’s latest cookbook addresses the food of the Islamic world by explaining the seasoning and ingredients each culinary region relies on. Evan Kleiman’s favorite part of Helou’s book? The first chapter is all about the bread. In many cookbooks, Kleiman notes, the...

Giornata Internazionale della Guida Turistica

EDIZIONE 2019 della GIORNATA INTERNAZIONALE DELLA GUIDA TURISTICA (istituita dalla World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations e promossa in Italia dall'Associazione Nazionale Guide Turistiche) Programma visite guidate: 9.00 - 10.30 primo turno 10.30 - 12.00 secondo turno Ritrovo presso l'ex municipio in via Risorgimento e visita guidata dei murales di...